Friday, April 30, 2010

The Maverick and the Kerrari

Ahhh! Its the captain and i just wanted to point out that the yomega Kerrari is almost out of stock already! So get yours today at! Also big news on the yomega Maverick! They are Back in stock and i emphasize the word "back" because they were out of stock for almost 6 months! But this yo yo is one of the best bearing yo yos from yomega. This is the yo yo i use and it rocks! I highly recomend this yo yo if you are ready for advanced string tricks such as the trick "cold fusion", "bhuddas fusion", and "gyroscopic flop" which are my top three favorite tricks. Have fun and NO duncan!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


@ skool 2morrow I have talent show auditions and I have nutin orginized tryin 2 do it now!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

yomega team

hello yoers! its the captain again and if you r doing good at yoing and you think you are ready, you can go to and click team on the right side of the home page. after you fill out the info. you will b on the yomega world team! there r already over 14,000 people joined! have fun and NO duncan!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


comment us! we r always watching for comments! tell your friends to go to! thats what you type in to get to our blog!have fun and NO duncan!

Lets Dash

hey its the youngest member of our team and i got my Dash yo yo!! i will b using it in our first performance! it is one of the best yo yos i have ever used! the yomega maverick yo yo was just as good as the dash. well keep you posted! NO duncan!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Talent show?

this is the creator again n i was just gunna say 4 days b4 our live appearance i have a talent show in front of my middle school!! i reely wanna show off but i m very nervous!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. wow we will be performin in front of a live audiance this is amazin there will b youtube this is awesome!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

cross strings in action!

Its coming! its really coming! cross strings is going to be performing at Dyer school in Burlington Area School District at an event called "Discovering Dyer"the whole team will b performing! we will most likely have someone video tape it and put it on!see ya guys! this is the captain saying keep throwin' and NO duncan!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Im just loopy!

hey its me the captain, i just got 2 raider ex yo yos which are the best yomega looping yo yo and i can do 2 handed loops realy good! just remember you r not going to be very good at 2 handed looping until you learn to loop with your left and right hand, i know thats how i was!! NO duncan!

Friday, April 9, 2010

recomended youtube yo yo videos

if you want to see some crazy yoing,go to youtube and type in:"best yo yo video ever"
from there just click on differint videos on the right of the video box!have fun and NO duncan.

simply dashing!

hey its me the youngest member. im getting a dash! it has been ordered and will be here soon! super long spins and NO duncan!

It's good

Look at the xodus 2s on the older posts I got 1 n it's reely gud. NO duncan

Thursday, April 8, 2010

loopidy loop!

hey its the creator! i just ordered the raider ex yo yo online on!this yo yo is designed for extreme looping!i will be using this yo yo in our first youtube video no doubt.

youtube is coming!!

cross strings will be on youtube very soon! we hope to amaze you and give the phrase "yo-yoing" a whole new meaning!we will keep you posted!NO duncan!!

we r all ears!

We r always looking for comments! when you read a blog and you want to respond,click the comment button under the blog and type whatever!

Team Yomega

Don't forget about team yomega too. u get updates and u are gunna have a lot of fun so get a yo yo and get started so just remember NO duncan nomatter what anyone says

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

logo 4 crosstrings

i gotta show u guys this but i can't upload it i tried like ten times so srry i will find a way


if you have lost a part to your yo yo,go on and click on click on accessories. if they dont have the part you need,click the contact button on or check your local hardware store.have fun yoin' and NO duncan.

Ooch,Rob Kitts,and Pat Mitchell

Ooch is the creator of team yomega,Rob Kitts is the captain,and Pat Mitchell is the youngest member. Kinda like here at cross strings!all of these people are role models to yoers everywhere!YES YOMEGA NO duncan.


its me the captain,i was just on and i saw that there is a new yo yo called the KERRARI, it is an aluminum yo yo designed by a yomega hero Rob Kitts. there is also an aluminum yo yo designed by yomega's leader Ooch.thats right ooch, you can learn all about him on by clicking on the ooch button on the left side of the home page. have fun and remember our motto,NO duncan!

one of the best yomega offstring yoyos!!

this is all the xodus 2's in color out there so get ur hands on 1.

two of best bearing yo yos by yomega

these yo yos are the maverick and the dash, these r for pros. NO duncan.

lets spread the word

hey its the young one again,i am here to tell you more about duncan's failure. after you throw them for a week,they break completly in half. if you want the worst duncan, try the flying panda."we spin for 5 seconds":) how can duncan live with themselves, NO duncan! the only thing duncan is good for is a fire starter! burn baby burn!! and they call themselves the #1 yo yo company,more like the #1,000,000 yo yo company.

dashes are back!?!?!

hi this is the youngest member again,i cant believe the dashes are back! when i last looked on they werent there! i looked on ebay and they were selling them for $100.00! I WONT BUY A YO YO FOR $100.00,but now that there back for a reasonable price i can buy one! i have $30.00 so the creator and i will have one! :) NO duncan!!

dashes are back!?!?!

NO WAY! the dashes are fust as good as the maverick! so if you have been moping about not being able to get a maverick, get a dash!! NO duncan!

tell us what you think

comment on what your thoughts are about our blogs. depending on what you comment we may be able to respond in blog form or change or edit our blogs.just remember,NO duncan.

i got a new yoyo

hi, this is the creator again and i got a new yoyo called the xodus 2 it is really good and the best part is dash's are back in stock and one will soon be mine!! i will get so many new tricks down and maybe we will get together and have a show somewhere where it's recorded and put that on before you can blink don't forget to check out there are so many beginner and advanced yoyos!!


like we said earlier,yoing takes practice it took me almost two years of practice to get me to master the 60 tricks i can do now.sure,you are going to have some frustrating moments, in fact several.its not like the first time i (or any members of the team)threw a yo yo we were flinging it over our fingers into a double or nothing do 2 under cuts flip it over our hands then flip it over our fingers into a trapeze and catch it all in one throw. but with practice,thats where we are now! so remember these two things,practice and NO duncan!

there is hope!

some of the best yo yos online are sold out or "out of stock",you can find some of these yo yos on ebay! some of these yo yos are the maverick,the dash,and one that is not in the website anymore but is totally awesome is the crossfire!so if you want some of these good bearing yo yos,check on ebay!again,NO duncan!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the good yo yos

auto return:power brain xp,power brain xp wing
transaxel:fireball,lightbeam/wing,powerspin,firestorm,fireball saberwing
looping yo yos(found in bearing yo yo section):all of the raiders work

now these yo yos r found on once you get there, click yo yos.
and these r the yo yos we use.
remember our motto:No duncan!
have fun:)
remember to click older posts on the bottom of the cross strings home page to see how it all started!

how bad is duncan?

VERY!! the longest spin the team and i have got from duncan was 9 seconds, that was the mosquito yo yo. the longest spin the team and i have got from yomega was 1 minute! that was the maverick yo yo. so NO duncan.

lets us play

its me the captain, something me and the creator did was go to and clicking team. once u fill out the required info. you will officailly b part of the yomega yo yo world team. have fun and remember, practice and DO NOT TRUST DUNCAN wait a minute, duncan is so bad it doesnt deserve capitilization. DO NOT TRUST duncan. there.

That's not all

the only other thing you need is that u will have to get a yomega mania dvd it has all the yomega tricks, but you can make your own just like i do the creator of the blog and just remember leave any comments so we can edit the posts

Littleman's right

he has both of the keys to yoing success right there. if u wanna get into yoing just go to and get a fireball there is no loss. u will have fun i gaurantee it if u don't leave a comment and i will take this post off. we have so much fun with it we do it like it's nothing but it's harder than it looks

I hate duncan

duncan is the worst yoyo in the world just take the advice and take up on yomega!! there is no point in not trusting us we have almost tried every duncan and they either break or don't spin good NO LIE just trust us and take yomega okay i'm exadurating a little it's not the worst yoyo but i would recomend you don't use it so have fun yoing and keep up looking for new posts at least a couple a day probably only blog that does that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see some action

if you want to see the cross strings in action, it wont b long b4 we r on!! when we have posted ourselves on youtube, we will obviously say when and tell you what the video is called. dont worry we will keep you posted.

how it all started

hi this is the youngest member of our team. like the captain said i use the fireball and again DO NOT trust duncan. the way we created this team is on easter. we did a yo yo performance to the song down by jay saun and lil wayne. we did really good and the captain came up with the name "cross strings". i may not be as good as the two other team members but i just love to improve on the sport of yoing. the key to getting good has 2 steps 1.practice 2.DO NOT trust duncan.

Team Crosstrings

Me and a couple of my cousins got a great idea to start a yoyo team i mean why not? we got into it about a year ago. my cousin about half a year younger than me is way better than me he does tricks i never heard of like it's nothing. we use yomega we used a duncan worst mistake of our lives in yoyoing it's so bad!!! as we say... don't and we mean don't trust duncan!!!!